
Thank you for taking the time to visit. If you are a ministry partner, we hope that this site will help you stay better connected to Experience Community and to what is going on in our lives. If you are just checking us out, thanks for taking the time to do that and we hope that through this site you will get to know us a little better.

Our goal for your time spent on this website is that it will be helpful to you in your spiritual journey and that it will be a resource as you intentionally become more interdependent and intimate with those God has placed in your life.

What is Experience Community?

We believe that by our love for one another the world will know that we are Christ’s disciples (John 13:35). Yet isolation and independence are keeping us from showing that love. Experience Community exists to equip God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Eph. 4:12). This happens at every level, from marriage, to family, to small groups and the body of Christ as a whole.

The vision of Experience Community is that communities, whether husband and wife or entire neighborhoods, would experience unity, benefiting from the gifts of the individuals that meet the real needs of people in a tangible way while reflecting the love of Jesus Christ.

We do that by intentional living; taking every opportunity to become more interdependent and intimate in our relationships with one another. By authentic and transparent interactions, we will increase trust and open doors for healthier relationships that can mutually edify each other while showing the world that Christ lives in us.

Biblical community cannot be forced, one can only create opportunities to join in and grow it. This is how we can help. Experience Community is available to disciple any couple or group to help brainstorm ideas that create opportunity to build community.

There are many ways to create opportunities to deepen community. We focus on five areas that allow the greatest level of integration: praying together, learning together (being in the word), fellowship (eating, playing and relaxing together), working together (serving others and each other), and sharing our lives (dreams, fears, resources and gifts) (Acts 2:42-47).

We don’t need more busyness in our lives, but we need to take advantage of the occasions that we already have to love and be loved.

By the way, how’s your neighbor doing? Could they use an encouraging word or deed?

Please come Join Us as we battle isolation and build community!

On mission together,

Rick and Leah Root (and family)