Thank you for your interest in partnering with us! There are many ways that you can support our ministry Experience Community:

1. As a financial partner:
These donations are used to fund ministry expenses and our living expenses. If you would like to make a pledge, please visit Our Donation Page to give online.  This will take you to our “parent” corporation (New Horizons Foundation).  Please verify that it says, “Experience Community” on the top of the page when you click your donation type.

If you prefer, you can mail us a check made out to New Horizons Foundation with our name or Experience Community in the memo field.

Mail to:
Rick and Leah Root
570 Anaconda Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

2. As a prayer partner:
We need people to come along side us and pray for us and the ministry. Each quarter we will send out a newsletter containing specific prayer requests, stories about how God is blessing the ministry, and any news about us. If you are interested in becoming a prayer partner, contact us by email us and we can put you on our newsletter mailing list. Please let us know if you would like the newsletter by mail or email. Also, we want to be praying for you so keep us updated on your family’s prayer needs.

3. Connecting us with others
If you know someone that is passionate about life in biblical community and would be encouraged to learn about the Experience Community ministry, we would love to talk with them. You can forward this web site on to them or have them contact us directly.

4. Be Creative
God has given us all gifts and often they are not financial. As a matter of fact, there are many times we are asked for “stuff” through the ministry. If you have anything in the following categories that you would like to donate, please email or call us.

Appliances (washer, dryer, freezer, etc.)
Electronics (computers, laptops, phones, cameras, etc.)
Vehicles (running or not)
Tools (hand or power)
Meeting or warehouse space

You probably get the picture. We can typically match up an item with a need. If there is not an immediate need or depending on the item, we can sometimes fix and sell the item to put money back into the ministry. We have a truck and trailer so we can typically pick up anything.

If He leads you to be involved with our ministry in any way please let us know.

We want to partner with you however we can.

Thanks again for your interest in partnering with us!